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Oracle Automated Invoice Processing Data Sheet

Oracle automated invoice processing data sheet

The more time and money your teams spend on processing manual AP invoices, the less they have to dedicate to critical strategic initiatives that make you more competitive and productive. AppZen automates the entire accounts payable process from ingestion through to payment to cut invoice processing costs and speed up invoice processing times by 80% with zero human intervention.

Our patented AI technology uses cross-customer and cross-supplier models that are pre-trained to recognize the information on a supplier’s invoice. This eliminates the need for you to spend time creating supplier-specific OCR templates and enables Oracle Imaging solution to intelligently locate invoice attributes (such as purchase order number, line items, amounts) regardless of where they appear on an image or whether or not the image was processed by your system previously.

The result is a more efficient invoice processing solution that allows for the capture of a larger percentage of the invoice data and reduces the need to touch every image manually. This frees up your AP team to focus on higher value tasks such as evaluating invoices, negotiating discounts and terms, and researching supplier disputes.

The Transcepta Network delivers the only procure-to-pay automation solution with Oracle Validated Integration that enables 100% straight-through AP invoice processing. Learn how to enable a hands-free, paper-free, cloud-free AP processing workflow with the same Oracle systems you already use to systemize your accounting, project management, and procurement processes by scheduling a 30-minute demo now.




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